International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Latin America and the Caribbean   

Newsletter ISDR Inform - Latin America and the Caribbean
Issue: 13/2006- 12/2006 - 11/2005 - 10/2005 - 9/2004 - 8/2003 - 7/2003 - 6/2002 - 5/2002 - 4/2001- 3/2001



Series: Local Risk Management... A Way towards Municipal Development

The Executive Secretariat of SINAPRED (the National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Assistance in Nicaragua) has two new tools for capacity building in the field of risk management:

1. MUNICIPAL NOTEBOOKS: Local Risk Management...A Way towards Municipal Development. This series of four notebooks and one additional volume on lessons learned, systematizes the methodology applied in six different municipalities in Nicaragua, in order to incorporate risk management into municipal development processes. Many initiatives, aimed at improving responses to disasters at the local level, have been carried out. The novelty of this proposal, however, is that it focuses on disaster rik reduction within municipal development planning processes, whose management would become an important aspect of sustainable development. These notebooks were prepared in the context of the project entitled: “Supporting Local Risk Management in Six Municipalities in Nicaragua, in the framework of SINAPRED”. The project was financed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

According to Ruth Castillo, representative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports to the Municipal Committee of Mozonte: “We have the organization, analysis, awareness and planning needed to put this into practice, improve communication and, hence, make our municipality better. We hope that our progress continues receiving support, being clear that we are the stronghold and, therefore, development in our municipality relies on our hands, minds and hearts.”

2. SINAPRED’S NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PLAN. This plan is one of the most important outcomes of the project entitled “Development of Human Resources for Integrating SINAPRED- Phase I”, which was carried out by the Executive Secretariat of SINAPRED, with the technical support of UNDP and financed by COSUDE-Humanitarian Aid. It is expected that the second phase of this project will start in February 2003. Along these lines, the Executive Secretary of SINAPRED, Mr. Tito Sequeira, stated that:

“It was slightly more than a year ago that the draft document for Phase I of this project was written. At that point, we could only dream about creating and putting into operation the training unit of this Secretariat, as well as having a training plan for the System. Outcomes could not be better. The System has now a National Development and Training Plan, as well as a diagnosis with regards to both the needs and capacities of our human resources in training. We have also raised awareness of SINAPRED and risk management at the central and municipal levels (liaison technicians, 23 national and international NGOs, 73 municipalities and media representatives, among others). In addition, we have a team of facilitators in the field of risk management; educational material for training on risk management; an institutional index book, and the SINAPRED’s training unit, which has been strengthened.

The document prepared for this plan is an example of the process itself. The document was prepared in line with a broad-based consultation process and the involvement of a number of institutions, municipalities, and cooperation and non-governmental organizations. This plan intends to become the guidelines for all actions and efforts devoted to develop a training process in the fields of prevention, mitigation and assistance throughout the country.”

For further information please contact:
Executive Secretariat, National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Assistance
Te, (505) 228-6490
Fax (505) 228-2453
