International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Latin America and the Caribbean   

Newsletter ISDR Inform - Latin America and the Caribbean
Issue: 13/2006- 12/2006 - 11/2005 - 10/2005 - 9/2004 - 8/2003 - 7/2003 - 6/2002 - 5/2002 - 4/2001- 3/2001



Regional Disaster Information Center

New Bibliodes on Risk Managment and Community Participation

Community participation in preventing and mitigating disasters has been an important issue during the last years. Although in the past the emphasis was given to the formulation of technological strategies for responding to disaster hazards, it is evident now that social factors are decisive in reducing vulnerability as well in improving the response during and after an emergency. In particular, community participation is a key aspect to organize communities for reducing vulnerability and for giving an appropriate use of the human resources and local material. However, achieving the organization of communities to face emergencies and disasters is a task that requires information, planning, participation and sustainable work.

As a way to support the initiatives for communities organization initiatives to reduce vulnerability, the Regional Disaster Information Center (CRID), together with the PAHO´s Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Program (PED) and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), have published a selected bibliography (BIBLIODES) on community participation to reduce disaster vulnerability. This publication includes sections on community participation and organization, the preparation of local emergency plans and risk mapping. It also contains references to audiovisual information resources.

For more information, please contact

Open invitation to collaborate with CRID

The Regional Disaster Information Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRID) is interested in gathering documents and audiovisuals on disaster-related issues. If you have developed or have information on this issue and wish to collaborate with us, we would appreciate if you could send us any documents, videos and CDs, among others, in both digital format and/or hard copies, so that they are included in our database and disseminated through different means.

What type of information are we seeking?
We are seeking both published and unpublished information, such as presentations in conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as documents prepared by institutions or researchers who work on this issue and/or related areas.

With your contributions, we will be able to benefit an increasing number of users and bring this issue to their attention. In this manner, we will be fostering a culture of prevention by having access to this relevant information.

CRID is currently carrying out a process aimed at digitalizing its entire bibliographic collection, with the purpose of offering all this information in a fast, timely and efficient manner, and free of charge. For this reason, we would appreciate if you could send your material along with a written authorization, allowing us to offer these documents in electronic format to the public at large, especially if documents sent have been formally published.

Where can you send your contributions?
Regional Disaster Information Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRID)
P.O. Box 3745-1000 San José, Costa Rica

